It means so much to me to be welcomed along your career journey with you.
Hear from others I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to help, and hopefully, in the not too distant future, add your feedback too.
Following many debates between me, myself and I, I turned to Jenna for advice on the next stage of my retail career. I voiced that I was ready to take the step up, but didn’t feel comfortable with the internal politics and ‘hoop jumping’ associated.
Throughout our sessions, Jenna taught and ingrained the importance of authenticity in business.
We spoke in detail about my skills and personality traits. Rather than concealing these for the corporate environment, which I had been guilty of, Jenna empowered me to view these as assets to the workplace. It allowed me to approach the internal politics of the business ladder, which felt so alien and against my values, with authenticity and sincerity.
The tangible result of my newfound psyche was a promotion, but more importantly (in both business and home-life) I am comfortable being my authentic self and not feeling like an imposter for doing so!
Thank you Jenna.
Thinking about personal development and putting myself in the spotlight is something I find really challenging. It always felt a bit self-indulgent and like there were other more ‘tangible’ or productive things I could be doing with my time. Working with Jenna has helped me to understand that working on personal development is an investment in myself and my future career and that this deserves to be a priority in my life. Jenna has been able to change some deeply held beliefs and thoughts about myself remarkably quickly through gentle but probing questions and her thoughtful style. She’s helped me to understand some practical first steps I can take to start to work on my development by helping me to understand where I am now, before working out where I want to go. I’m starting to feel less ‘stuck in a rut’ and more optimistic about the future and my career and more ready to take on new opportunities that are aligned with my values.
If you’d like to leave your own testimonial, I’d be so grateful as reviews really help to build trust. The very best thing you can do is to leave me a Facebook or Google review – or both! Please click the buttons below.
Thank you so much!